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Things I Love - a Valentine post

5 Things I love.

With Valentine’s day just around the corner, I thought I would write a post about the things I love –although, if truth be told, I’m not a fan of valentine’s day I met my husband in 2005 and for the first couple of years we did the whole val-day thing, but it becomes more of a “thing you got to do” and less about the meaning of it – worth pointing out, that I am not Christian, so celebrating a Christian martyr dude who secretly married roman soldiers at the time it was illegal for soldiers to marry. Oh and when I say he married them I mean he was the guy who performed the ceremony, he wasn’t a serial homo bigamist, anyway to add to that, he refused to renounce his faith of Christianity when roman emperor Claudius ii asked him (told him to) long story short, Claudius had Val killed – somewhere in the story Val healed a few blind kids with magic or… whatever. Moral of the story, is Love is good! (That - I agree with #LoveIsLove #LoveWins #LoveLoveLove (now as I write this is have “all you need is love by the Beatles playing in my head – that’ll be there all day now!)

Now, I do waffle-on. The point I am trying to make is that Valentine’s day should be about all things love – not a card or chocolates or presents those are things I want every day – the day should just remind us to stop and think about the people we love, which leads me on nicely to the next part of the post… LIST OF THINGS I LOVE! - in no particular order…

1. My Husband – although this extends to my family, all sides of the family. They are like when someone else gets you a massive bag of pick’n’mix – full of all different things, not just personal faves – a massive bunch of freaks (when I say freaks I am mean that in the best way. from straight laced to odd-ball my family has it all and when I'm feeling sad and low, they will take me where I gotta go, smiling, dancing, everything is free All you need is positivity. My family represent to me, all colours of the world, every boy and every girl. People of the world.

2. My mum - I didn't want to hear it then, but I'm not ashamed to say it now, Every little thing you said and did was right for me. I had a lot of time to think about, about the way I used to be Never had a sense of my responsibility. Back then I didn't know why, Why you were misunderstood…All that you did was love

3. My friends. Although I would put my friends in my family category, unfortunately I am probably the worst person at texting back and for making plans. I want to say sorry peeps and I want my friends to know if you ay you love me and I'll say I love you too, I wanna tell the world I'm giving it all to you, Just remember what simple words can do, Let's make the headlines, loud and clear, All that I have I give to you my friend. The best things suddenly happen when you are here

Just remember friendship never ends

4. Pop-culture, Trashy TV, Reading /Learning, films and Theatre and Music I like to swing it, shake it move it and make it!– okay so strictly speaking these are not one thing, but I grouped them together as they represent “the arts” or entertainment.

5. The Spice Girls – if like me you are a fan, you will have noticed the l have quoted lyrics in each of the “5 things I love”. When I decided to write about 5 things I love, it could have been a short post, as I could have just listed each of the 5 spice girls.

The Spice Girls made such an impact on my life, well, the WORLD. Not just because of their world domination and the ability to brand and merchandise everything and anything. Not just the catchy music and the colourful shows. They had more of an impact than I think anyone (including themselves) would have known at the time. I have read many articles and listened to many interviews of music artist and celebrities talking of how the Spice Girls influenced them, such as Courtney Act, Adele, Lady Gaga, Rylan Clarke-Neil… They have certainly changed my life more that I realised at the time and more and more as I grow and they taught me lessons I intend to pass on to my nieces and nephews (and my own kids, if I’m lucky enough to have them) The Spice Girls taught me about individuality, diversity, acceptance, friendship, courage, attitude, passion, tenacity, love, more tenacity, to have a voice, to do good, to have fun and love strong to look at each person as individuals and to understand and accept different personalities, to listen to others opinions, but that it’s okay not to agree. They taught me that, the best thing anyone can be is… themselves and if you work hard and do what you love – you can be whatever you want and be successful. The Spice Girls taught me to never give up on the good times; living it up is a state of mind.

There may be 5 of “the Spice girls” but I think that anyone who lives by these things and spreads positivity can class themselves as a spice girl


I’m not sure what the future holds for the 5 women who changed my life and the lives of others, but I know that whatever they do, if anything at all – it will be ready to change the next generation and ignite that spice flame!

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