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California Dreamin'

I recently read a post by travel & lifestyle blogger (and friend) The Ditsy Explorer In the post she asks,"Where have you lost your heart to?" I would say that this made me think, but truth be told, I could tell you the answer within seconds of being asked; CALI-FORN-I-A, US of A!

Flag: California Republic

Being inspired by The Ditsy Explorer, I decided to write a blog post about how much, and why, I love California. So I started, as I always do, by doing a “brain dump” getting all my thoughts from my head onto paper - OK, not actual paper! I do it on a word processor programme, if I were to put my thoughts down using pen and paper, I’d end up with something that resembles a 2 year-olds drawing. My handwriting is shite and my speelling is terribbel, anyway, at this point all my thoughts are put down, no particular order, no grammar and no correct spelling! I just write what I think and feel; I was on a roll, then I looked up at the screen, as I scrolled through the pages upon pages upon pages of words, I thought to myself “this is going to take a loooooong time to get into something readable – let alone something people are going to enjoy reading”.

Monterey Tides Hotel - Monterey

I couldn’t turn back now – I had committed to telling the world why I love California so much – needless to say I haven’t been to every town and city in California, so when I say “California” I mean the parts of the west-coast I have been, Ben (that’s the hubby) and I headed to California for our honeymoon, we flew from London in to the golden state, first stop San Francisco, we then travelled to Napa Valley, Yosemite, Monterey, Carmel, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles then Las Vegas – before I get people contacting, I would like to point out, I know that Vegas is not in California (for those of you that didn’t know Las Vegas is in the State of Nevada) In total we spent 21 days in this amazing place.

Golden Gate Bridge - San Fran

I thought about doing my “top 5 things” but there was just far too much – perhaps “top 100 things”, why stop there? I had enough to write a post of “my top 1000 things” – that would be ridiculous. Then it came to me….a series of posts over the next few weeks now what to call it? Huuummm? What? - I thought long and hard, what to call my series of posts about California? … Then it came to me…. Genius…I am to call it….

California Series

Each week I will post about our adventures and all that I loved....

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